在安卓真机测试时,发现有一句这么提示:Library “libmaliinstr.so” not found,但是并没有引起软件崩溃什么的,百度了一下,发现这个是因为手机机型的问题,有的是会崩溃的,所以记录一下。


屏幕快照 2015-08-04 10.01.32.png



Scala is irrelevant.
I had also meet this problem before. It's a hardware problem with CPU. Found in some of Chinese phones. Huawei and xiaomi are known brands which devices may have this problem.
Load this library error occurs when application can't find a correct platform *.so. 
 From name libmaliinstr, I assume it related to Mali instrument. Mali is a low-level hardware driver, supporting enhanced OpenGL/GLES especially for browser rendering. 
 I reproduce it on CPU MT6582 (Hongmi 1S), which means this device missing a system lib libmaliinstr.so. So app can't use openglperf as usual.
Current solution:
Skip this device and ignore the error. (we may not have permission to modify a system library)


最后修改:1970 年 01 月 01 日
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